
In recent months we have been hit with a wave of mice trying as hard as they can to move into my home. Not sure why. The expel some myths here is my situation.

My home is new, about 5 years old.

I have four dogs who obviously have no problem with mice moving in.

My house is fairly clean with bouts of the garage getting a little out of hand. I store nothing in my attic and few things in my garage. I get rid of what we are no longer using if it can not fit in a closet.

We have a small yard, no piles of wood, old cars, or anything of that sort.

I think all in all, it is a surprise that we have mice in this area except for the fact, if you did your research, you would know that this used to be farm land.

Here are a few facts about mouse behavior that I have discovered.

They love nuts, peanut butter, and other similar treats. They got into some all nut granola type bars of mine. Grossed me out so bad that I can’t even get new ones to eat.

They also enjoy paper, cardboard, wood, wood shavings, dog hair (for nesting) and dog food (they love that).

They travel at least in pairs. If you have evidence of a mouse, chances are he brought a friend. Do not fool yourself. They are at least in pairs or more. If you have spotted one in your house realize there is at least one more, and hopefully not tending to the babies in the nest!

They are busiest at night, early night (after dusk) and late night (just before sunrise). During the day, if you see one it is because you woke it up from its nest or its sleeping spot.

They come in the house through holes that are quite small, about the size of a dime or even a little smaller. They also will make holes if they think they can.

Once they have come in, you will have a hard time keeping them out entirely. You will probably battle them on some level forever.

They might leave you alone for a while but as seasons change and things get either hot or cold outside, they start working to find their way into your home.

They get used to things quickly and are very adaptable. What works now, my not always work later.

They will try holes that are too small for them, and often get caught in them and die, FYI. That myth that they know better is wrong.

Phew! That is a lot of bad news to get about mice in one post, I know. I figured this out through time. It better to just know. Now before you go moving away or trying to jump on a bridge, there is hope and you can control these little buggers before they get the best of you. Here is what we have done.

Set out traps. We use the humane ones that catch them live and we set them free a ways from our home. Miles away. Check them in the morning and right before bed. This is when they will likely have sprung the trap. Rarely will they do it in the middle of the day or night. (If you get the ones that kill them you will still have to deal with the dead bodies, which is even more yucky to me.)

Clean. Get rid of storage if you can. Box up things in big, thick, plastic containers. Get rid of cardboard boxes. They love eating right through that. Vacuum, clean up hair balls and check the couch cushions. They will go for anything and everything.

Keep laundry, trash cans, storage, wood and boxes off the floor.

Plug up all the holes that you find outside the house. Fill them with steel wool and 100% silicone to seal the holes. You may have to go around and do this several times. Keep checking because they will!

Keep looking for mice poops and move traps there. Clean up the mess AFTER you catch them. My theory is that they will feel safe to enter the traps if everything else is they way they left it.

A bucket with a wooden plank is a good way to catch mice. We use a tall garbage can with peanut butter smeared all over the inside it in the garage.

Bounce sheets can be a deterrent for them. I am not sure if they are but I have been using them. At the very least everything smells nicer.

Okay, I know that this all sounds like a lot but in the bright side, you’ll be more organized. Here are a few other things that I have read about but have not tried, yet.

Get a cat. We have too many dogs right now to do this but most experts agree this is very effective. Female cats are better mousers than male cats.

Rat Terrier dogs are also natural mousers. We will probably go this route one day for sure.

There is also poison. The mice eat it and go off and die. The gross part is that they die in the wall, under your couch, in the middle or the floor or anywhere else. Plus if you have pets, this is a bad idea. If your pet gets a hold of Mr. Dead Mouse he is going to get poisoned too.

Predator pee powder. Heard some people like it others say they actually saw mouse prints and poops right on the stuff in the yard.

Super sonic sound devices. Some experts feel they work temporarily but most agree that they easily get used to the sound and come right back.

Moth balls. I have heard that this is very effective but they are highly toxic to humans, and pets as well. They also stink to high heaven and are bad for the environment. Not worth using in my book.

The tried and true methods are simple. Catch them, keep them out, remove food and water sources, and remove places for them to nest. It ain’t sexy but it is the way it is! Hope this helps!

Good Job McCain!

Now this election just got interesting. Honestly, I am just so glad that McCain picked a woman. It has been said that McCain only picked a woman to appeal to woman voters and also just to be provocative. No matter the reason, I’ll take it. At the very least it shows the world that the female vote counts. The female vote makes a huge difference. We are no longer being ignored. Things are a changing.

So should women be insulted that McCain picked a woman even if it was just because she was a woman? I say no. I’ll take it however I can get it.  After this election, more people will be considered for Pres and VP. Race and gender will become less and less of an issue.

Plus, this move by McCain levels the playing field. No matter who wins history is being made. We can be excited about a huge barrier being broken. Now this election can really be about the issues!

Brilliant political move McCain.

I have been thinking about this question a lot.

When attending a workshop a few weeks back I got to observe something amazing. The guest speaker asked the individuals in the class about any problems that they were having. Pains in the body, injuries and other related issues. That day just about everyone had a something. I was amazed that everyone had an issue they were working on.

This made me thing about the multitudes of people that come into a yoga class. Everyone is looking for something to heal them, or at least not hurt them. Everyone has some concern about some pose coming up that may cause them pain or healing. Which then got me thinking, pain is a universal thing. Everyone on earth experiences pain on some level. So if that is true, what makes my life or life unique?

The answer is, as I am figuring this out, the order in which you experience things makes you different. The truth is no experience is completely unique (or really unique at all). What makes it unique is the person who is experiencing it.  The time in your life, after or before other experiences, how you react to the experience, and how you allow the experience to affect you in the future.

When I realized this idea, then I realized that I am never alone. I might feel the pain of loneliness but others have too. My loneliness is not unique but when I experience it in the course of my life, and my reaction to it makes it different. It all gives it the value that I assign. Others, at least on some level, can always relate to the pain I am suffering.

So are we really unique then? Maybe not. Maybe our true uniqueness is wrapped up in our sameness. What do you think? Do you think this is maybe something that we would not want to admit to ourselves? Ego perhaps?

I am having a little problem with my amazing dogs. Recently we moved our dog door from a sliding glass door in the front hallway to a wall in the back of the house. Well, some of the dogs started pooping by were the other door was. The first couple of times I just cleaned it up thinking that it was an accident. Well, it started happening even more and during the day. So now I have gated them off in the family room by the dog door in the wall. It seems to have solved the problem, for the near term anyway. They didn’t go potty inside.  They do not want to do the deed where they sleep.

Now I am not sure what to do. I do not like keeping them confined to only that part of the house but I hate picking up the dog doo. Any tips or suggestions? One of my thoughts is I can do this for a little while so they are used to where the dog door is and then after a while give them freedom and see if they figure things out. BTW, they have been using the dog door in the wall. They do not seem confused by it at all. I just think that maybe they were ready to go to the bathroom and started towards the other door, where it used to be. When it wasn’t there they just went to the bathroom. HELP!

I am finally done with my site. If you are wondering why I did it. It is so that I can better serve my yoga classes. I hope that they like it and you too. I am pretty happy with it. go visit and let me know what you think. I really would like your input. You know the URL, www.yogisamantha.com. I hope you like it!

I have feverishly been working on my web page and now it is finally done! Well, in reality things like this always seem to be a work in progress but, still. I will be releasing it to the public now. This is still my blog and always will be. The web address is back with wordpress in the name but if you are linking to my website, you can click on the blog link to get here. It is all good.

Another thing is if you have not done Twitter, it is time you tried it. It is great fun and you can update quicker and keep up with everyone faster. So go to my Twitter page, make your own and then start following me and I will follow you! (No they didn’t pay me to write this, heehee!)

Hi all! Some big changes are afoot at Yogi Samantha. Stay tuned for more details! Yogi Samantha will be moving though her blog will stay right here. She is expanding to include more of her yoga business online! Things will get clearer in the next two weeks or so!

Yep six. It was fabulous. I am teaching seven this week too. I love having classes in the morning and classes in the evening. I have noticed that when I have a very free schedule with not a lot on it that I get very little done. I have trouble focusing on what I need to do. Now that I have just a few more classes a week I am much more focused. It is like I only have so much time so I just go and do what I need to do. My house is cleaner, I take more yoga classes, and I have more focus on what I need to have done. It is great!

This has been a really awesome week. I have had a couple of firsts this week.

I did head stand without the use of the wall. Scary but worth it.

I taught a class last night with no notes at all! I had written up a class but ditched it at the last minute and taught on the fly!

Plus starting next week I will have 4 more classes to teach! Woohoo! Things are going great!

Their Baaaack!

EeeeeeeK! The stinking mice are back! Or we didn’t actually get them all anyway. Stinking mice! I found mouse droppings in my dishwasher and the floor of my pantry. I thought I heard something last night too. I thought we got them all! This stinks. I thought I got rid of all the food sources. Now I am afraid they had time to make a bunch of babies. Oh yucky! Any suggestions on how to get rid of the suckers. I am open to almost anything. I still do not want to kill or toucher them, just get them the heck out my house!